What is the Cleu?

September 15th, 2020

The Cleu represents our spiritual community, its intertwining circles a unifying symbol of our vision and values.

Many people find the Cleu through word-of-mouth, have friends tell them to Get a Cleu, or may be given a Cleu pendant as a gift. Follow the clues to realize your own path, and be open to inviting others to join you on the way.

Wearing the Cleu feels good because it connects us. Hearing someone else say, “you have a clue!” can be a surprising and satisfying experience. Finding others with a Cleu can be as easy as going with the flow, following the path of synchronicities to that special moment of connection. You may feel your particular spirituality is unique, but the Cleu symbol makes it easier to find others who share your perspective and serves as a continual reminder that you are not alone.

The Big Four Values

December 14th, 2020

As your Cleu circle evolves, begin to focus on the Big Four values: Air, Water, Food, Energy. These are basic survival needs that must be met in order for there to be harmony among people. From world peace to individual health, we are all dependent on our relationship to Air, Water, Food, and Energy.

To put it simply: Air is Life; Water is Life; Food is Life; Energy is Life. Use the Big Four to create ceremonial aspects to your circle: Join in a breathing exercise to reflect on Air; use Water in a ceremonial way; host a communion with Food; and light a candle to represent Energy. Try different ways to honor the Big Four.

Providing a structure that leads to more Consciousness about the choices we make as individuals, families, communities, and the world, will increase the spiritual impact of your circle and help guide your decisions about how to use your resources together.

By focusing on our most basic needs, you will be better able to set priorities, learn about local issues, and find allies. You are not alone. Spiritual activists, indigenous people, and cultural creatives have been working together to protect our Air, Water, Food, and Energy for over fifty years, and we have learned a lot about the power of the circle.

Be the clue to each other

November 7th, 2020

Make the Cleu vision and values a part of your life. You can do this on your own, but forming a Cleu circle with a few others will give you a greater sense of spiritual community. Use the human rites of music, art, drum, dance, song, and story to bond, the way people have been doing since the beginning of Consciousness. Engage in the spiritual practices that are a vital part of most religious and spiritual traditions, including study, meditation, service, pilgrimage, and mentoring. Read the Cleu Book together. A Cleu circle should be a transformative, participatory occasion that keeps people coming back.

Circle up & grow your spirit

October 11th, 2020

Your spirit is the result of your choices. When you connect with others on the level of vision and values, your spirit grows bigger because your choices touch more people. In circle, everyone can participate and contribute for the benefit of the group as a whole as well as its members. When you come together in a circle with a common spiritual purpose, your collective spirit strengthens and empowers your choices. Circles who choose to share energy and resources for common goals multiply the effect of all the individual members. Circles thrive when members meet regularly to celebrate human rites and practices. Develop your spiritual community. The CLEU is here to help, so let us know how it goes. Circle up!

Our religious freedom

August 15th, 2020

When your Cleu circle is ready, you could even use the religious freedom granted by the first Amendment of the Bill of Rights to turn your circle into a legal church with its own gathering place, school, garden, library, and childcare. Did you know that you can donate half your income to a church of your choice? What if your church was made up of your friends and community?

You could rent a gathering place, go on a pilgrimage together, or buy a set of drums, music equipment, or art supplies for your celebrations. You could apply for faith-based federal funding for social services, engage in community development activities, or start your own church-sponsored businesses, such as bookstores, coffee shops, and retreat centers, mostly tax-exempt and free from government interference. You have more power than you realize.

our Annual Pilgrimage

July 14th, 2020

Someday in the future, you may be able to visit Cleu Camp again in the lovely but ephemeral Black Rock City where you can pick up a Cleu in person.  That thing in the desert is on hold for now due to the pandemic, but we miss all of you in Cleu Camp and all the dusty pilgrims who found us there! We hope you find other sacred places to visit, perhaps making a regular pilgrimage to a special place with people who share Cleu values. Pilgrimage is a mystical tradition. Whether it is a pilgrimage to your favorite tree, lake, desert, or mountain, you can find meaning in sharing it with people you know and love.  Strengthen your spiritual community by becoming pilgrims together. Celebrate Earth!
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