September 15th, 2020
The Cleu represents our spiritual community, its intertwining circles a unifying symbol of our vision and values.
Many people find the Cleu through word-of-mouth, have friends tell them to Get a Cleu, or may be given a Cleu pendant as a gift. Follow the clues to realize your own path, and be open to inviting others to join you on the way.
Wearing the Cleu feels good because it connects us. Hearing someone else say, “you have a clue!” can be a surprising and satisfying experience. Finding others with a Cleu can be as easy as going with the flow, following the path of synchronicities to that special moment of connection. You may feel your particular spirituality is unique, but the Cleu symbol makes it easier to find others who share your perspective and serves as a continual reminder that you are not alone.
Posted in At-Onement, Body, Circle, Cleu, Community, Consciousness, Earth, Family, Individual, Life, Meditation, Mentoring, Mind, Pilgrimage, Practices, Rhythm, Rites, Service, Spirit, Story, Study, Universe, Values, Vision | Comments Off on What is the Cleu?
November 20th, 2018
Explore creative and effective ways to support action on behalf of the Earth, Life, and Consciousness. Get a deeper understanding of the universal language of Science. Learn more about the scientific method, investigative journalism, and academic credibility so that you can better distinguish fact from fiction.
Value truth, equality, respect and love for all life on our precious planet, a pale blue dot in an amazing Universe. Come together to empower a new paradigm of Truth, Love, and Science. Resist ignorance, injustice, and lies. Learn to prioritize better choices for Air, Water, Food, and Energy. Discover the egalitarian, creative power of the circle.
Stand up for Truth, Love, Science. We’re here to help you get started. Get a clue!
Posted in Air, Art, At-Onement, Body, Circle, Cleu, Community, Consciousness, Dance, Drum, Earth, Energy, Family, Food, Individual, Life, Mind, Music, Pilgrimage, Practices, Rites, Service, Song, Spirit, Story, Study, Universe, Values, Vision, Water, World | Comments Off on Science gives us a clue
June 15th, 2018
What does it mean to have a clue? A clew is the string that guides you on a winding path through a labyrinth. A clue guides you on your path. You have to wake up to have a clue. It is true that everyone has a clue, but not everyone wants to know. Some people deny or reject their clue. Spiritual practices such as study, service, and meditation will bring you closer to your inner clue. Take the time to practice and learn to recognize your clue.
Some people abuse their clue or accuse others of not having a clue when they themselves refuse to get a clue. Others may judge you for your clue or apparent lack thereof. If you said something ridiculously outrageously ignorant, I could say you were clueless or I could suggest that you get a clue. You may not feel like having a clue, but you should at least act like you’ve got one. I mean really!
How do we find the real clue? If you have gotten this far, it’s easy. You already know this. The answer is within. You find your very own unique universal clue within you, that part of you that knows that it knows. When Consciousness awakens inside you, the clue is you. Always & already here. You are the clue. Yes! You are the Cleu.
Posted in At-Onement, Cleu, Consciousness, Earth, Individual, Life, Meditation, Mind, Practices, Service, Study, Universe, Vision | Comments Off on Have a clue
November 25th, 2007
New understanding of the relationship of science to spirituality is bringing about an evolution in consciousness, a harmony that will lead the way to a new paradigm– At-Onement. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s new book, The Biology of Belief, explores the developing science of epigenetics, and asserts that our health and well-being are intimately connected to our state of mind and the beliefs that inform it. His site,, has many great articles on the “wisdom of cells,” and other topics that will get you thinking. Consciousness is evolving! Check it out.
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