Hope won

November 6th, 2008

Now it’s up to us! Imagine circles connected to other circles, all over the country, creating links like chainmail, making us strong, resilient, and flexible, preparing us for the challenges we will face in the coming decades. We are the clue to a better future. A movement for change has come to life. We’ve got a long way to go, but through the power of the circle, we will get there together. The CLEU is here to help you find each other– are you ready to catch the wave?
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the Spiritual Left

September 21st, 2008

Ever wonder where the Spiritual Left is when you need them? Take the time to read the Cleu book so that you know you are not alone, and that your spiritual identity is shared by many others. Stand up for your vision, and then start a circle of people who share your spiritual values. You are the clue! Wouldn’t it be amazing if progressives claimed their spiritual identity, developed spiritual community, and worked together to create a world based on their spiritual values? Can we do it? Yes, we can.
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Science vs. Spiritually?

November 25th, 2007

New understanding of the relationship of science to spirituality is bringing about an evolution in consciousness, a harmony that will lead the way to a new paradigm– At-Onement. Dr. Bruce Lipton’s new book, The Biology of Belief, explores the developing science of epigenetics, and asserts that our health and well-being are intimately connected to our state of mind and the beliefs that inform it. His site, brucelipton.com, has many great articles on the “wisdom of cells,” and other topics that will get you thinking. Consciousness is evolving! Check it out.

“You are what you eat”….. a clue to finding community!

October 25th, 2007

Looking for people with a clue? As the Cleu lady, I make it a point to find the cleu’d in people wherever I happen to be. Because I know the kinds of things that people with a clue like to do, I am a really good scout. I can get to a place I’ve never been, and within the first day of being there, I’ll know where to go to find some people who share my values. You can become a good scout too– be observant, friendly, and open to chance encounters. The first step is to find the local natural food stores.

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What to eat?

September 13th, 2007

Along with air, water, and energy, food gives us life, so it is one of our highest values. As a result, Michael Pollan has become one of our favorite authors. An investigative reporter with a naturalist’s eye, he examines our current situation with regard to food. As omnivores, we humans are faced with a daily dilemma: what do we eat? In the The Ominvore’s Dilemma, Michael Pollan investigates the human food chains that represent our modern-day choices: industrial agriculture and animal farming, corporate organic agriculture, local and sustainable farming, and wild food foraging in the style of the hunter-gatherer. His latest book, In Defense of Food offers simple, memorable advice: Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.
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Enlightenment– a gift from the Goddess?

July 21st, 2007

The latest issue of What is Enlightenment explores cultural, philosophical, and spiritual views of what is enlightenment for women. In a collection of excerpts from 24 women answering the question, “What is liberation to women today?” I found these inspiring words from Mirabai Devi: “women are the embodiments of the divine feminine…. the supreme force, the supreme shakti of the universe. It’s the power behind the known creation, and its qualities are strength, self-confidence, fearlessness, courage, joy, victory, self-empowerment, steadfastness. Our civilization has not taught women to be what they naturally are.” This really got me thinking: what is enlightenment for women?

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